The Rota Pscyhic and Healing Arts Expo is produced by Julie King and her company Rota Productions. Starting with the Rota Psychic Fair in 1984 (which continues today) Julie has shepherded varied types of events that include international tours and retreats, workshops, and over 65 Expos and festivals. She has consistently organized and promoted outstanding Body, Mind, Spirit events in California and now in the mountains of North Carolina. This event is a continuation of the previous 7 co-owned successful Illuminate Expos in same location.
Julie loves to bring people together in community so they can share their talents and also experience each other in mutual support and friendship. Come play and participate either as a volunteer, exhibitor or attendee. All are welcome and your presence is acknowledged and appreciated.
Photos from past Expos
I believe that when we embrace who we truly are, then we
can define our future, and together we can change the world.
Rota's purpose is to bring our community together so we can support each other and collectively
be a positive force for change.
Year 2021 Vision
My vision is for greater empathy and understanding for all spiritual paths. Let us embrace each person's search for divine connection and guidance, supporting diversity and self knowledge. I vision a One Rainbow World united not divided.
Let's be kind to each other, so collectively we can move into greater healing from the last 14 months of transformation! Last year was tough with much change and loss for all of us. Together we can accomplish greater harmony and understanding.