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 Healers from SEPT 2021  



Quantum Energy Healing and Activation

Ewanna is an awakened Cosmic Shaman, psychic healer and empath, certified in Energy Medicine and MindBody Therapy. Her practice is rooted in both ancient healing arts and neuroscience. A session addresses needs at physical/seen and spiritual/unseen levels. Examples include physical and emotional healing with Quantum Energy and Language of Light, Soul and DNA activation, Karmic work, entity removal, disentanglement, and more. 30 minutes recommended, 15 minutes accepted for quick energy alignment.

Ariana Zariah

Ariana Zariah

Ancestral and Childhood Trauma Release

This modality targets densities (traumas) trapped in the body and Aura, known and unknown from childhood, from Ancestors (epigenetics), and from past lives. Release densities, raise your vibration, expand consciousness, and live with greater peace and joy.

Linda Beals

Linda Beals

Medical Intuitive

As a medical intuitive. I sense disharmonies in the body, whether pathogens blockages or other weaknesses. These dis harmonies prevent the body from accessing healing source energy. As a conduit for source I restore the healing flow and restore harmony to the body.

Tom Wright

Tom Wright

Energy Healer

Using the ability to see energy in people's bodies, I work on disappearing the densest block, allowing their natural energy to flow and the healing is facilitated.

Sally Sumpter

Sally Sumpter

- Archangelic Light with Reiki Healing Session

I channel an energy, called Archangelic light, as well as Reiki Archangelic light is similar to Reiki, but much quicker and cooler energy. Gets directly to the root of problems. Good for breaking habits and receiving guidance and higher knowledge from the angels.

Jason Hunt

Jason Hunt

Energy Worker and Meditation Workshop Facilitator

With the harmonized healing modalities of Reiki, crystals and lithotherapy, and healing sacred sound, Jason creates a healing envelope, helping you release old repeating patterns, thus facilitating integrating into a New You! Jason Hunt received his ATIH teacher certification on May 11, 2012 after finishing the required training set by the School of Remembering® and Drunvalo Melchizedek. He is one of just over 250 people certified world-wide to teach the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® meditation. Jason is a long time practitioner of Ashtanga yoga, Kriya yoga initiate, Sufi Order initiate, and third degree Reiki practitioner and teacher in the Usui tradition. If you are ready to begin this work, and receive the tools you need for ascension, it is his privilege, honor and great joy to assist you in this time."

Phyllis Weimar

Phyllis Weimar

Neck, Foot, and Vegas Nerve Reflexology

Reflexology is a therapeutic healing art designed to access your body's wisdom through energy reflexes on hands and/or feet with light touch and INTENTION. These reflexes work via the NERVOUS SYSTEM to restore homeostasis (internal balance) on all levels.
Benefits: Reflexology is designed to help clear the effects of trauma in a gentle way, by inducing deep relaxation, stress relief, improved circulation and more. AND IT FEELS SO GOOD!

Lethea Gerbers

Lethea Gerbers


Lethea “Hot Hands” Gerbers is an experienced Reiki Master Teacher and expert hands-on healer who is especially gifted in removing pain. She is experienced in energy medicine taught through Kabbalah, Circle of the Heart, Access Consciousness and Delphi University. She is a certified medium, hands-on healer using removal and release techniques, and other energy tools. She has been a channel for healing since childhood.

Brett Newstead

Brett Newstead

Quantum Sound Healing or Spirit Guide/Guardian Angel healing

Brett offers either: Experiencing a visit with your spirit guide/guardian angel with QHHT, or a Reiki energy healing session with optional Quantum Sound Therapy frequencies tailored to your voice, which intensify the energy healing. It all depends on what the soul is calling for.

Ramona Manea

Ramona Manea

Introspective Hynotherapy, Theta Healing, Therapist

Introspective Hypnosis
contains: Ericksonian Hypnosis,Forgiveness Therapy, Role Change,
Past Life Regression,
and Spirit Releasement.
This therapy can be used to treat various behaviors, such as phobias, fears, angst, sadness, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia, low self-esteem, insecurities, complexes, migraines, obesity, obsessive-compulsive disorders, allergies, and/or addictions. Theta Healing is a meditational process that brings about physical, psychological and spiritual healing with focused prayer to the Creator, God or whatever you’re religious background is.

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