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Caitlin Watson –How Does Chronic Illness Develop and What Can You Do About It?

Sunday 10:30am - 11:15am

Caitlin Watson –How Does Chronic Illness Develop and What Can You Do About It?

It’s never just one cause. A perfect storm of stressors knock the body, mind, and spirit out of balance, deplete cellular energy, and ultimately make us vulnerable to chronic dis-ease and illnesses, often invisible to the outside world.
The Wellness Code is a framework for deep healing that empowers people struggling with chronic illness to transform their health and lives through the unleashing of their innate healing potential. Rather than address illness from the outside in, with symptoms as the primary points of reference – the Wellness Code takes a systems view from the inside out, looking upstream through the lens of cellular dysfunction towards the stressors that created it. Only once we have a true understanding of how we got sick in the first place can we begin to take steps to reclaim the wellness that we were born to enjoy.
During this discussion, I am going to share information on some of the biggest root causes for dis-ease in the body, things that need to be considered and leveraged to achieve true healing (not the bandaid approach we have all become so accustomed to in our current healthcare model), and tips to unlock your intuitive healing potential, step into your best and most empowered self, and live the life you dream of!
“With 13 years experience as a Registered Nurse, I have a fundamental understanding of the human body and of the manifestations of dis-ease. I am very passionate about providing holistic care to all of my clients. Through my own life struggles and a health (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) crisis, I started to explore more holistic and integrative approaches to healing because I felt like the conventional medical system was failing me and I was getting sicker. It was not until I started to approach my journey from an empowered place loving myself more, incorporating mind-body and energy modalities to reduce stress and heal unresolved traumas, looking at my dis-ease (symptoms) through the functional medicine lens, and taking 100% responsibility for my health that I started to truly heal. I am a trained Wellness Code Practitioner (, blending functional medicine, energy modalities and transformative coaching in both 1:1 and group coaching programs designed to support my clients holistically. I am also a Reiki practitioner. Remember....You are not your dis-ease or your illness. You are beautiful and you can heal.

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