Item List
Tom Wright – The Value of Expanding Your Awareness
The more you expand your awareness, the more joy you are able to experience, and the easier it is to manifest your real dreams, in real ways, in the real world. Really! But how do you do that? What does it even mean to 'expand your awareness.' Tom will present you with a process for getting you well on your way to doing exactly that. To expand the awareness you have within you already. Once you begin to be more aware, the choices you make for your life will suddenly seem more effective, more appropriate you having your goals work out. Because they will be! This is when synchronicity and 'in the flow' events begin to happen that all support you. This then, is the true 'value of awareness.' To put you square into being your full presence and power as much as you can be moment by moment, for every day of your life.
Jackie Bensinger -Energy Medicine: High Tech Healing with Ancient Roots
Jackie Bensinger, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M. has a B.A. and has been practicing acupuncture and energy healing modalities since 1995. She does intuitive readings for private detectives and law enforcement. Jackie will address the healing of the human form as the energetic levels of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. She combines her knowledge of energy medicine and functional medicine to facilitate the patient's best health and well-being. Analyzing medical history including bloodwork and imaging summaries will guide the patient toward the appropriate nutritional counseling, an anti-inflammatory diet and natural herbal supplements. After testing the BEMER, the FDA registered Class II Medical Device for two months in her acupuncture practice, she realized that combining the age-old energy medicine with the modern technology had decreased the number of treatments necessary to resolve many conditions by 30%. Jackie will conclude her talk with a calming meditation that will result in a sense of positivity and loving energy.
Brett Newstead Finding Your Frequency
How do I find my path in life? What should I do to make life more fulfilling? This talk is about the many roads to the center, and spoiler alert, the center is your heart! I'll discuss the many different avenues I've experienced to find more meaning and purpose in life. Starting with boredom and hollowness from chasing pleasures. Low points and the road to rebuild a new person. Explorations of well being with meditation, esoteric studies, and spiritual experiences. The Tibetan Buddhist monastery path, plant medicine in the jungle path, martial arts and the physical energy of spirit, and the tapping into your own intuition and self guidance path. Finding answers with spiritual and metaphysical tools such as QHHT, energy healing, and Quantum Sound Therapy help us connect with the metaphysical, and tuning into intuition and inner guidance is how we can bring this to every second of life.
Sally Aderton – Forgiveness, Liberating Others and Ourselves
Letting go of old wounds, past conflicts, and disappointments is essential to create peace and joy now. Suffering in the human condition is holding on to the way things used to be, or our expectations or others or about what didn’t occur. Forgiveness is the path to freedom for us all. During this discussion we will learn Sally’s 5-Steps to Forgiveness, the subject of her MA thesis for Naropa University based on a process she developed in 1993.
Sally Aderton – healer, spiritual teacher, and brain tumor survivor – recovered paralysis to the right side of her face, walks her talk making a difference for people worldwide since 1985. Author of Energy in Motion, spiritual direction coach, business consultant and ceremonial officiant she offers strategies, creative support and practical wisdom, from the mystic to the mundane. On a personal note, Sally does believe the Hokey Pokey IS what it’s all about!
Phyllis Weimar- Vagus Nerve Reflexology: A Key to Well-Being
The Vagus nerve controls both our flight/fight freeze response and our ability to trust our “gut instinct”. The reflex for the Vagus nerve is on the hands and feet and by gently stimulating those points, we breathe easier leading to stress relief. The Vagus nerves extend from the base of the skull through the entire chest, diaphragm and into our digestive system. All physiological and metaphorical functions of the body from the neck/throat (speaking our truth), chest (heart, love, forgiveness), lungs (breath, inspiration) and digestive system (assimilate ideas, experiences) are regulated by the Vagus nerve.
Phyllis has been in practice as an ARCB certified reflexologist since 1986. She uses her intuitive healing insight to restore internal balance on all levels inducing deep relaxation and improved circulation.
Pascha Solomon – The Dragons Have Spoken: Messages from the Dragons for the Age of Transformation
This workshop introduces participants to the Dragons, their history and relevance in the changing time. Through channeled sessions The Dragon Council provides clear messages to support humanity as we acclimate to the new energies and responsibilities.
Pascha Solomon is a multi-generational healer, teacher, writer and facilitator. Through her unique practice, Haninah Healing, she incorporates energetic and shamanic healing and intuitive guidance. She has spent over 30 years facilitating sacred ceremony and supporting young women through rites of passage. Pascha has degrees in Anthropology and Near East Studies from UC Berkeley , and is a Priestess of Isis under Fellowship of Isis, a Minister, Dragon Master, Gatekeeper and Priestess of the Sacred Feminine.
As an earth healer she performs sacred rites, activations, and clearings around the world. Pascha’s program “Your Divine Journey: The Path to Fulfilling Your Soul’s Destiny” supports individuals as they awaken to their soul purpose. She owns Of Wand and Earth and a magical mercantile, sanctuary, and teahouse in Marshall, NC.
Lillian Pederson - Living Authentically
Transform your life lessons to fully live in the now and be your WHOLE authentic self! Lillian Pederson will be offering you more ways to connect with the Divine within you, let go of the past and incorporate the lessons you have learned to really thrive now! Lillian Pederson is a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Mentor, Teacher, Hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master, supporting you on transforming your life into the fullness you are capable of. Sometimes we all need some encouragement and support and she will give it to you! Your Free lecture includes an emailed, downloadable MP3, guided visualization for a continued internal shift.
Ewanna - Quantum Sound Healing with the Language of Light
Ewanna uses her voice and various instruments to facilitate an immersion into unconditional love, a high vibrational, deep healing quantum energy field generated through the Divine Feminine aspect of Source. Ewanna translates the energy of her audience into sound, bringing into the light what often is difficult to express, or what is buried in subconscient. Hearing what could not have been expressed before facilitates healing, as it allows one to connect and relate with emotional content in its transmuted form, progressively charged with frequencies of unconditional love. The sounds and tones Ewanna plays reflect both individual and collective energy. The ending is always an immersion into the pure sound of Unconditional Love, the energy of the Cosmic Heart, felt as pure bliss, a vehicle into the Unity Consciousness and Universal Love Source. Ewanna plays shamanic drums, didgeridoos, gong, handpan, singing bowls, crystal harp, and more. Ewanna is a Soul Healer and Activator, Creator Being, clairsentient, claircognizant, Galactic Shaman. She is certified in MindBody Therapy, Qigong based Energy Medicine, trained in Sound healing, and has a background in Medicine, Psychology, and Psychotherapy.
Pradeep Darooka - The Missing Shiva
Shiva is the primordial Divine male energy that complements the Divine female Shakti energy. Look around you. Do you see anything missing? Where has this Shiva energy disappeared? Why is today's Shakti so deprived of her consort? How can mankind function or even survive in this mode? The basis of creation is Duality itself, the Yin & Yang, Shiva & Shakti. Pradeep Darooka is a Tantra student & teacher and a spiritual guide and he will explore this unnatural phenomenon and its impact on our lives.
Pradeep was born and raised in India, the spiritual nerve center of the world. He is a high strung corporate dropout turned spiritual guide, healer and mystic. He has traveled to over 110 countries and conducted his sessions and workshops in many of them.
His spiritual journey is rooted in the richness and wisdom of Vedanta and its crux, Non Duality. Spiritual teachers Osho, Ramesh Balsekar, Pandit Tingunait (Himalayan Institute) and his Guru Hari Har Ram Babaji have guided Pradeep on his journey. He received his Deeksha from Babaji. Besides the philosophy of Non Duality, Pradeep is deeply immersed in Shakti Sadhana with the feminine energy in the form of Mother Goddess (Devi) as the source of all energy. He conducts group satsangs, workshops, discussions on various aspects of his experiential journey on this path. He also arranges individual sessions on lifestyle, healing, healthy living to help a person discover their true self and find their way to Bliss.